Indian Women's Association Singapore    

Book Club

Club Chair: Nirupa Vasudev

Books + Friendship = Book Club

“For most people, what is so painful about reading is that you read something and you don't have anybody to share it with. In part, what the book club opens up is that people can read a book and then have someone else to talk about it with. Then they see that a book can lead to the pleasure of conversation, that the solitary act of reading can actually be a part of the path to communion and community.” - Bell Hooks

This quote by Bell Hooks aptly describes the true essence of the IWA Book Club. It’s a place for all reading enthusiasts to come together every 2nd Wednesday of the month and debate on different aspects of a book with great passion and conviction.

The Book Club has conducted several book discussions in the past years; we even held events virtually due to pandemic restrictions. We managed to read a wide variety of genres, ranging from classics like The Picture of Dorian Gray and The Lord of the Flies to Escape Routes which is a collection of short stories from a new author based in Singapore. We also read Letters from an Astrophysicist in the non-fiction genre, and others like Inside the O’Briens (based on a true story), Free Food for Millionaires, Forty Rules of Love, A Little Life etc.

Our individual book ratings (out of 5*) have ranged from a low 1* to a high of 4.5* leading to very intense and at times, vociferous discussions.

The Book Club is looking forward to another year of enjoyable reading.

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